MIYAMA’S trees are beginning to go autumn red, yellow and orange. We have a beautiful sunny days recently and the bracing air of autumn gives us a fresh energy. Many scene with nature in Miyam...
Local Takoyaki Shop “Suzuran”
Suzuran is one of the good spot to get a snack and take a little break during your trip. You can have a Takoyaki which is the Japanese savory snack, and pasta, curry, cakes etc. In a sunny days...
Kiyabuki god festival ‘Chii Hachimanʼ
The Miyama region is home to many beautiful thatched roof homes, also known as ‘Kayabukiʼ. These Kayabuki hold a strong historic significance, and showcase the traditional craftsmanship that was very ...
Explore Suwa Shrine
I recently made a visit to Suwa Shrine. It is in the Tsurugaoka area, north of Miyama . I was greeted on the right by a big cedar tree by the gate as I passed through the gate. On the left is a small ...